9 iul. 2010

Artele liberale

The grammer rules instruct the tongue and pen,
Rhetoric teaches eloquence to men;
By logic we are taught to reason well,
Music has claims beyond our power to tell;
The use of numbers, numberless we find;
Geometry gives measure to mankind.
The heavenly system elevates the mind.
All those, and many secrets more,
The Masons taught in days of yore.

Laurence Dermott
The Book of Constitutions of this Grand Lodge or Ahiman Rezon (A help to a Brother)

Aceasta poezie burlesca este de fapt un fragment din unul din cele mai vechi manuscrise masonice, scris in jurul anului 1390 si arata ca cinci secole la rand artele liberale si stiintele au avut un loc important in gandire, precum si in ritualurile si constitutiile masonice.

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